Saturday, April 18, 2009

f@ck art, lets kill-> a.k.a metephor of madness

years ago i bought a book about the situationist international. took it home and tied to read it. i liked the art. i think it was a lot of cut-ups and bold graphic art, almost like a comic book that made little sense to me at the time. it's been years, so i dont remember what book it was, but tonight i stumbled across an old sensationalist movie and it hit home a bit.
the idea of life as a spectacle, where we are not only the viewer's of the propaganda, but the creator's. we are the propoganda. where we are on one side, left or right, but those sides have the same end point. we think we are fighting against, but we are just part of the game. we are all dress as individuals, yet we all shop at the same store. nice shoe's punk!
the spectacle has been in full view in the past few weeks. everything that happens seems to be a metaphor related to the human experience and how, if given the chance, everyone can become somebody. we are all strong. we can all pull though? blah!
the ugly duckling who can sing like an angel from above(that could be you someday)- the brave captain, who the country needed in these terrible times to remind us of how important we are and how a simple man can make such a difference...and who could forget the tea party people, who all individually decided, without any provocation (we're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it?) whatsoever, to get down to town hall because "government is completely out of hand" all of the sudden.
the spectacle. ha!
twitter is the new c.i.a/l.s.d/media/propaganda so saith austin cucher- but the new generation needs to share his/her every move and thought in order to be happy.
we've gone from minding our own business, to needing everyone we know (including those we don't, i'm sure) to know everything about us.

next week- "what is mind control" and "did that really happen"?

jsem cadre!

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