Thursday, April 2, 2009

the mobile dymaxion bathroom...

i wish someone would follow up on this design, but until then..actually the bathroom at the house i live at right now has a beautiful bathtub with jacuzzi jets in it, so im not complaining, but bucky was so far ahead in thought. this dymaxion bathroom could change the world- and it breaks down into "four, stamped sheet metal or molded plastic sections are each light enough to be carried by two workers. They'll fit up tight staircases and through narrow doors, allowing retrofitting in existing structures. All the appliances, pipes, and wires are built-in, limiting on-site construction to mere hook-up."
he had also thought of a composting toilet back then! as advanced as our society is, we still use "approximately 2000 gallons of pure drinking water per year to flush - and waste - one human's "exhaust" that, if dried out, would scarcely fill two 5-gallon pails"
there is an electric composting toilet on the market, but its extremely expensive. i cant remember the name of it, but bucky fuller was thinking about this kind of thing in the thirties.
pure genius.

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