a blog about the end and the beginning.
things like->
mobile living,
free living,
modern nomad culture/dreaming,
mobile techno,
off the grid shit,
alterative fuel's,
sustainable whatever's,
free party/life's,
+good music/art/thought/lifedeath+
man did i score on this one! this is just pure genius...i think i may have thought of something similar to this, but this guy's got the plan. the idea-> get a big old pontoon boat and mount a pick-up truck cab-over camper on it. he even has a decent sized back porch. this would be great for a trip down the mississippi river. anyone? from the craigslist ad "1993 Custom Smokercraft Houseboat. 24' Length 12' wide. 4 Smokercraft aluminum 24" pontoons. Fully self contained,70gal. black water tank, 60 gal. fresh water tank. Macerater pump & dockside pumpout recepticle for waste tank. 3 way fridge, new upholstery inside, new bimini top over front deck. 50 hp merc outboard. Shorelander,pontoon style,triple axle trailer included.
video mind flush for the up and coming consumer. sometimes when the truth seems so surreal and lies are the basis of everyday life, life can be confusing. what's even worse is when lies are no longer needed, and the dirty deed's are hidden in plain sight. if you watch this film and skip the commentary it's astonishing.
-->as if we needed a apocalyptic graphic novel to go along with the actual apocalypse..well why not? found this in my inbox, through a greg palast update. i guess he did the forward to the new issue. i'm gonna go pick-up the first issue and get up to date. i wont do a review, but from what i get, it looks like a story about the future, not far from or unlike the one in which we live. as greg says "DMZ is a brilliant news report from inside America's skull dreaming into the future - when the "stimulus" has worn off and reality eats our young." linky
78's never get old, but everyone who owned them are dead- it's amazing how risque much of this stuff was. oh, and there is always some messed up story to tell... and it's all free, so-> link
i've been reading a book about gypsy's, so i've been finding great pic's on the interweb of their caravan's. these one's are great. they have really intense decorations, like a modern egyptian tomb. link #1 and some good flickr's
i found this article this morning after my friend and i were talking about him building a camper for his truck himself because he didn't like what he saw on the market. i like this camper design because while i don't think you could stand in it, i'm sure you could sit down. the other plus would be you could set the inside up the way you want. a good launchpad for idea's for a homemade camper. link here
here are some of my favorite sites about going out there and living the free life on the road. some of it is written for your retired grandpa and grandma but can be useful for the modern gypsy/nomad. loads of info though and a fun read.
this an idea of what i am looking for in a trailer. i don't want something worth a million, nothing shiny or "cool". just something nondescript and sturdy. i like real wood. hate particleboard...just a little nautical cabin on land. this is one i've been daydreaming about... here->
wow...it's near mid february and the doom and gloom in portland is staggering. i drive cab. have for close to 15 years off and on(in 3 different cities) and i've never seen anything like this. the streets are empty, with bored cabdrivers just sitting- waiting. the economy is still spiraling like a crashing plane(everyday seems worse.). i know we are gonna crash into the hudson, but i need to put on one of those oxygen masks the flight attendant told us about while i was reading one of those strange airplane catalogs (who buys those chocolate waterfall things anyways?) im just grasping for a handle to the life raft lately. it's all so surreal how fast things are falling apart, and thinking about it is terribly worrysome/depressing, so i've resigned myself to looking forward, and use all my spare time to create my future.for the most part i look at my life as art (see dada) and always had dreams half finished, but now in a panic i plan to manifest them. my dream- to be completely mobile and this crisis has almost forced me to realization. i've always lived my life with the bare minimum "stuff", minimal enough so that i can pick up and move at any moment. but when i move, i usually take an airplane and mail my crap to myself, or ask a friend to do it for me, so when i arrive and i'm settled in, they can send me my crap(i have the best of friends). this time is different. this time i don't want to move. i love oregon. but i want to have a back-up plan. roof over my head if something drastic happens. i was going to buy a bus and renovate it, and i have a lot of friends that either have lived in a bus or are living in one right now, but i live in the city and have no place to park one. they are also really conspicuous. i lived in an old van a few years ago and even that was hard to keep undercover. so...i decided to buy a diesel pick-up(for conversion to vegi oil, WVO) and to buy a vintage travel trailer. there are plenty of campgrounds, national forest and BLM in oregon to escape to. in fact- i even met a lady in my cab once who had lived out of her car up in gifford pinchot at a campsite and still worked a day job in portland. she said it was hard, but she survived, and i'm sure it made her a stronger person in the end. i'm selling some of my "stuff" right now and should have the cash soon, so when i find that perfect trailer from the 60's/70's i can go get it and feel confident that if i have to go, i can go, and when i get "there" i won't be sleeping in a flophouse or on the street. i've done both and i'm done with that. in the coming months i will try and update on the progress of my realization and the info i find that lead me to my conclusion. hope to see you when you get there. ill be waiting by the fire.
just found this. its not exactly what i want, but im getting close. when im out in the woods for extended periods of time (more than a couple of days), i start to think about taking a hot bath. i plan on building a mobile wood heated tub this spring to put in the back of my pick-up, so i can ruff it and take a hot bath under the stars...looks like this guy (link below) is ahead of me on the homemade wood heated tub, but it doesn't look too portable. good to keep the ideas moving. link
as of late i've been buying canned foods as i watch the economy spirals downward. i really didnt buy into the whole y2k thing, so i missed that whole mess, but even if everything works out for the best, ive found that preparing for bad times is an interesting hobby. my mom came from a different generation/time and always has an abundance of food in the basement, so i think i will follow her lead. not a bad idea, when i live next to a bunch of active volcanoes (the cascades) and on top of land that is long due for an earthquake. ive collected enough food for maybe 3 weeks, most of the staples like vegi's and fruit..some fish. meat in a can is pretty hard to come by. see spam. i did find one of my favorite sandwich speads in a can. yep, you guessed it-> liverworst. thats right- braunschwieger! man, im so on it...and it even comes in a can.
"Begun more than 170 years ago on Boston's Russia Wharf by William Underwood. Underwood's canned foods were among staples pioneers took westward in their covered wagons. The "Underwood Devil" appeared in 1870 as a descriptive logo for the process of "deviling"(ground meat processed with special seasonings). The oldest existing trademark still stands for quality and great taste!"
i will try and do another blog on this william underwood fella as i search the internet for the devil's ham.